Now Playing: “Say Something” by A Great Big World

I was having a pretty happy few weeks back in November. It felt like things were falling into place. Fast-forward to the last ten days and I can say without hesitation it’s been rough.

When you put your trust in someone, you let go. It’s a terrifying and thrilling feeling. I did that. And he took a step back. And then another step. And now I’m standing alone on a ledge, willing him to catch me (cheesy? absolutely, but it’s true).

Now while all of this is happening, “Say Something” by A Great Big World is blowing up on the radio– but with Christina Aguilera in tow? Nobody will ever get to hear the original version. Nobody will ever see it without her name stamped all over it. That bothers me to no end. These guys deserve credit for their talent without Christina. That said, listen to the original here and I dare you not to cry a little. I might be.

Say Something – A Great Big World

And to the person this song now reminds me of: I’m begging you to say something, because I’m giving up on you and I don’t want to.

Daily Prompt: Tattoo….You?

» Daily Prompt: Tattoo….You?

Do you have a tattoo? If so, what’s the story behind your ink? If you don’t have a tattoo, what might you consider getting emblazoned on you skin?

I don’t have a tattoo yet- but getting one is on my “23” bucket list and I do have a plan as to what I’d like it to be. There are two important details to what I want: 1. In the last few years, I’ve found myself extremely drawn to downtown Chicago. I don’t get to stay down there for very long/very often, but when I do, I never want to leave. 2. In the last few months, I’ve found myself feeling an overwhelming amount of wanderlust. I want to travel; whether it’s throughout the US or across the world in Australia.

That being said, I realized that no matter where I end up, the only place I will ever refer to as my home is Chicago and its beautiful skyline. And that’s what I’d like my first tattoo to be. An outline of my home to take with me wherever I end up.

“23”: Updated (4/23 complete!)

1. Leave my job at IB

2. Get a new job (and love it)

3. Go back to Australia (to study, work, or take a vacation)

4. Meet and hang out with Blake

5. Get my first tattoo (if I’m feeling brave- second and third as well)

6. Visit NYC/NJ again- without the anxiety this time

7. Visit California (esp. San Clemente & Kristen Stewart’s handprints @ TCL)

8. Get paid to write

9. Go on vacation with Amanda

10. Run a 5K (with a few stops at most)

11. Do/try something new/spontaneous. Anything.

12. Have a piece published on ThoughtCatalog

13. Meet someone famous (actor/musician/writer/athlete) I met Sophia Bush on November 6th!

14. Meet someone that impacts my life in a positive way

15. Impact someone’s life in a positive way

16. Fall in love (with a person, place, or hobby)

17. Finally finish my Invisalign treatment

18. Man up and get my wisdom teeth pulled

19. Go on a date (and maybe a second?!)

20. See the Blackhawks play in Nashville

21. Do something for myself

22. Read a total of 23 books

23. Find a new favorite spot in Chicago